The weather shifted this afternoon and it finally feels a lot more like fall. Our fields are brimming with fall greens, root veggies and specialty crops like this week’s fennel and pointed cabbage. There’s nothing better than fall cooking – soups, roasts and stews to warm your kitchens, bodies and hearts. Bon appetit!
This week’s harvest
“Sweetheart” Pointed European Cabbage
Sweeter and more tender than its green cabbage cousin.
Storage: In an airtight container in the fridge.
Uses: Raw/Cooked
When to use: Within 5 days
Toscano Kale
Storage: In an airtight container in the fridge.
Uses: Raw/Cooked
When to use: Within 5 days
Storage: In an airtight container in the fridge.
Uses: Raw/Cooked
When to use: Within 3 days
Storage: In an airtight container in the fridge.
Uses: Raw/Cooked
When to use: Within 5 days
Butternut Squash
Storage: On the counter in a cool, dry spot.
Uses: Cooked
When to use: Within 10 days
Green Romaine Lettuce
Storage: In an airtight container in the fridge.
Uses: Raw
When to use: Within 3 days
Nicola Potatoes
The BEST waxy yellow potatoes. So special because you can never find these in stores…just straight from your farmer! Wonderful roasted.
Storage: In a cool, DARK spot.
Uses: Cooked
When to use: Within 10 days
Briermere Farm Fruit Share
Jonagold Apple & Bartlett Pears – 1 mixed bag
The Fruit Share is a separate share from the Vegetables. It is not included.
Roasted Fennel & Potatoes
Roasted Pointed Cabbage with Tahini Sauce